Dental Crowns



Young Smiles Family Dentistry


牙冠是一个“帽子”,戴在已经折断、经过根管治疗、染色、腐烂损坏或畸形的牙齿上。 单独制作和定制的牙冠与您天然牙齿的色调和轮廓融为一体,可持续使用超过 15 年。 有时,牙冠还用于固定牙桥或覆盖牙种植体,或者它们也可用于某些美容修饰或美学目的。



Young Smiles Family Dentistry


与任何其他类型的牙科治疗一样,一切都从牙科检查开始,在此期间医生会检查并清洁您的牙齿,以便为轻松安装做好准备。 如果牙齿折断或因腐烂而严重损坏,我们将去除受损区域,以便牙冠可以发挥作用,保护牙齿免遭进一步腐烂。

Young Smiles Family Dentistry


接下来,在牙科腻子的帮助下,我们将对您的牙齿进行印模,用于制作全瓷冠。 然后,您将获得一个临时牙冠,该牙冠将安装在您的牙齿上,直到您下次预约为止。 如果您缺失一颗牙齿并希望用种植牙替换它,我们将对种植牙和周围的牙齿进行印模。 我们的实验室将使用印模来制造您自己的定制牙冠。

Young Smiles Family Dentistry


在您第二次预约时,我们将取下您的临时牙冠并更换为永久牙冠。 牙冠将使用耐用的牙科水泥或隐藏的螺钉固定。 为了完成这个过程,我们将抛光您的牙冠并进行任何必要的调整,以确保您的舒适和安全。



您的咨询将包括对牙齿、牙龈、软组织以及咬合形状和状况等各个方面的检查。 一般来说,我们想看看您整个口腔的外观和功能。 在为您制定治疗计划之前,我们希望了解有关您微笑的健康和美观的所有信息,最重要的是,了解您想要实现的目标,以便我们帮助您实现目标。


根管治疗后是否需要牙冠很大程度上取决于牙齿在口腔中的位置 – 靠近口腔后部的牙齿(如臼齿和前臼齿)更需要用于咀嚼,并且通常需要牙冠,而不需要门牙或尖牙的地方 咀嚼并不总是需要牙冠。

牙冠与填充物之间的一个区别是,牙冠对于咬合面较大的牙齿来说更耐用。 咀嚼或习惯性咬紧牙带来的反复压力可能会导致臼齿咬合表面上的填充物碎裂或松动。 牙冠是从牙龈线到牙龈线的单个完整表面,旨在在较长时间内承受更大的力。

牙冠在口腔中起着两个重要作用。 首先也是最重要的是,它们完全恢复牙齿的功能,这意味着您可以闭上牙齿咀嚼,而不会感到疼痛或不适,也无需通过一侧咀嚼来补偿。 其次(但也很重要!)牙冠的设计旨在与您的天然牙齿融为一体。 这意味着它们的颜色和轮廓符合您的审美。 事实上,有时人们完全忘记哪颗牙齿是牙冠。

桩并不完全是牙种植体(通过手术植入颌骨),但它正是它听起来的样子:一种医用级桩,可以粘合到准备好的根管中,以加固牙根的基部和核心。 牙冠。 仅当没有足够的健康牙齿来可靠地固定牙冠时才使用牙柱。

根据您牙齿的状况,戴牙冠感觉有点像补牙。 我们会耐心地麻醉该区域,然后根据需要进行冷冻,这样您的牙齿准备过程就不会感到痛苦。 手术后短时间内,您可能会感到牙齿周围的牙龈有点敏感或酸痛。 如果您对看牙医感到焦虑,请告诉我们! 我们很乐意让您放心,让您的体验尽可能舒适。

在大多数情况下,牙冠的使用寿命可达 15 年。 然而,如果保养得当,它们可以使用25-30年。

牙冠的维护就像天然牙齿一样。 定期刷牙和使用牙线可以保持牙冠及其周围的支撑牙龈健康和清洁。 定期去看牙医进行清洁和检查对于您的口腔健康至关重要。


Qin Deng
Qin Deng
This dental clinic is very professional, the most important thing is the low charge, highly recommended to everyone.
Shinford Zuris Sung
Shinford Zuris Sung
As doctors ourselves, we are very concerned about oral hygiene, oral examinations, and dental treatments. However, at the same time, we are also aware of the various unspoken rules in the medical field. Dr. Yang's dental clinic conducts thorough examinations, provides objective assessments, and offers sensible treatment recommendations. Therefore, our family's dental insurance is chosen to cover treatments here.
Su Abigale
Su Abigale
I had a fantastic time at Young Smile dental office! The staff was super friendly, the place was spotless, and Dr. Yang was incredibly thorough, gentle, and professional. Definitely recommend them!
Pengxiang Li
Pengxiang Li
My family have seen Dr. Yang for many years. I highly recommend her and her team. High quality services and they treated us like their family.
Lin chen
Lin chen
The environment of Dr. Yang's dental clinic is very clean and comfortable, making people feel relaxed and at ease. I am deeply impressed by the advanced equipment used and I am confident in the effect of the treatment. Dr. Yang's team is warm and thoughtful in service, and can provide professional solutions and daily care for dental health problems.
hui wang
hui wang
great office to have dental care at
Min Liu
Min Liu
This is a new dental home for me. The doctors are awesome, friendly, patient, and knowledgeable. The front desk staff makes you feel right at home immediately when you walk in the door. Everything was on time. They can provide all my dental needs. My kits are doing braces there as well and they like it. I like their digital scanner for my impression very much, so I don’t have to take sticky tray in my mouth anymore which gags me. Overall, it is always a fantastic experience that is super easy for anyone who works or lives in that area.
Temitayo Andrew
Temitayo Andrew
Calm and caring!
Cynthia Brooks
Cynthia Brooks
My initial appointment was an emergency one and I expected "emergency" treatment. Much to my surprise, my treatment was considerate, unhurried and comprehensive. The staff was hospitable and very considerate of my needs. At the conclusion of the appointment I was given detailed information regarding my future dental needs. Upon returning to get the crown for my tooth, I received excellent service resulting in a crown that matches my other teeth perfectly. I was in need of a new dental service based on my previous one no longer being in my network. I have found one in Dr. Qing Yang and associates at 43rd and Walnut Streets.
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