Teeth Cleanings


定期检查和清洁可以预防牙龈疾病和蛀牙。 每 6 至 8 个月计划一次清洁和检查,以防止牙齿突然疼痛和意外费用。

Young Smiles Family Dentistry


定期清洁牙齿和进行检查是保护口腔健康最关键的步骤之一,不仅包括牙齿健康,还包括牙龈和口腔其他部分(从内到外)。 清洁可以去除牙菌斑、牙垢和导致腐烂、牙龈疾病和慢性口臭的细菌。 卫生员能够进入在家中常规刷牙和使用牙线难以到达的区域。 彻底的清洁和检查为卫生员和牙医提供了绝佳的机会来监测您的口腔健康,并在问题变得痛苦和昂贵之前发现可以解决或完全避免的问题。


  • 消除牙菌斑,这是一种含有细菌的粘性物质,会腐蚀牙釉质。
  • 去除牙垢堆积和硬化并可能导致牙龈疾病的牙菌斑。
  • 去除牙齿上的咖啡、茶或其他污渍。
  • 检查牙龈是否退缩、牙齿是否有缺口或折断以及其他疾病和感染的迹象。


Young Smiles Family Dentistry


超级重要但常常被低估。 您的牙龈支撑您的牙齿并塑造您的微笑。 我们将仔细检查您的舌头、牙龈、牙齿和口腔的所有其他区域,特别关注牙龈线,以确保您的整个口腔健康,没有任何炎症或即将发生的牙龈疾病的迹象。 我们保证不会对您使用牙线的习惯过于严厉。

Young Smiles Family Dentistry


牙菌斑是在牙齿上形成的一层柔软、粘稠的薄膜。 如果不定期彻底刷牙、使用牙线和专业护理来清除牙垢,它可能会硬化成牙垢沉积物。 牙垢通常颜色较深,经常出现在牙龈线等难以清洁的地方。 卫生员拥有工具和专业知识,可以小心地清除难以触及的地方的牙菌斑和牙垢。 完成所有这些后,我们终于可以抛光您的牙齿,去除污渍,让您的牙齿闪闪发光。

Young Smiles Family Dentistry


清洁牙齿后是让牙医检查牙齿的最佳时机。 您的牙医会检查您的图表和 X 光片,并对那些问题区域或令人不安的模式进行归零。 牙医可能会建议进一步治疗,或为您提供有关如何减缓或逆转蛀牙、炎症或牙龈疾病的提示和建议。 我们很乐意回答您的任何问题或了解您所经历的任何不适、敏感或牙痛。



您的咨询将包括对牙齿、牙龈、软组织以及咬合形状和状况等各个方面的检查。 一般来说,我们想看看您整个口腔的外观和功能。 在为您制定治疗计划之前,我们希望了解有关您微笑的健康和美观的所有信息,最重要的是,了解您想要实现的目标,以便我们帮助您实现目标。


我们通常建议每 6 个月来一次清洁牙齿并进行检查。 但是,如果您有特定需求,牙医可能会建议您更频繁地就诊,或者出于保险或费用原因绝对必要的话,我们可能会预约更远的时间。

别等了! 如果您的口腔有任何疼痛或不适,请立即致电我们! 清洁是预防问题的好机会,但肯定不是谈论问题的唯一机会。 即使您的问题看起来很小,请立即告诉我们,以便我们可以在问题仍然很小时解决它。

当然需要。 检查是针对整个口腔的。 牙龈、舌头、骨头等等。 如果您佩戴假牙,我们仍然希望见到您,以确保您的假牙形状良好且正确贴合,并检查您口腔的其余部分和口腔健康状况。

大多数牙齿清洁平均持续 30 分钟到一个小时,并且是躺在舒适的牙科椅上进行的。

选择含氟的控制牙垢牙膏。 无论您的牙刷使用能力有多好,牙线都是清除牙齿之间的牙菌斑并防止牙垢进入这些难以触及的区域的唯一方法。 每天冲洗。 每天使用抗菌漱口水有助于杀死引起牙菌斑的细菌。

定期洗牙后,可以继续进食,尽量避免酸性或磨蚀性的食物或饮料。 但是,如果您在清洁过程中接受了氟化物处理,则应至少等待 30 分钟后再吃任何东西。



The experience at Young smile family dentistry is wonderful 👍. Dr Yang is professional and takes good care. Highly recommend!
Lucia Gonzalez
Lucia Gonzalez
Before going to Young Smiles and Dr. Yang, my teeth were a major insecurity of mine. After years of neglecting my dental health, my teeth were stained and I had many cavities. The staff at Young Smiles were not judgemental, and listened to my priorities. I had an ICON and whitening treatment for my stains, and a root canal for a deep cavity. I have a fear of needles, and ended up fainting during my root canal, but the Young Smiles staff were supportive and patient. Dr. Yang helped me calm down, and one of the dental assistants gave me water and candy to recover. I can’t thank the Young Smiles team enough for their amazing work!
C.J. M
C.J. M
This is the best dentistry! Everyone is kind, caring, and knowledgeable. When I worked overnight, everyone was accommodating with my tough schedule and preference for morning appointments. Dr. Yang is amazing. She gave me many options for fixing my bite and straightening my teeth. I was able to begin with braces to fix my rotated teeth and then switch to Invisalign for more comfort. Anytime I had brackets or buttons fall off, it has been easy scheduling an appointment to get them fixed as soon as possible. I used to worry whenever I would go to the dentist, but not anymore since I started going here because I know I’ll be taken care of!
Qin Deng
Qin Deng
This dental clinic is very professional, the most important thing is the low charge, highly recommended to everyone.
Shinford Zuris Sung
Shinford Zuris Sung
As doctors ourselves, we are very concerned about oral hygiene, oral examinations, and dental treatments. However, at the same time, we are also aware of the various unspoken rules in the medical field. Dr. Yang's dental clinic conducts thorough examinations, provides objective assessments, and offers sensible treatment recommendations. Therefore, our family's dental insurance is chosen to cover treatments here.
Su Abigale
Su Abigale
I had a fantastic time at Young Smile dental office! The staff was super friendly, the place was spotless, and Dr. Yang was incredibly thorough, gentle, and professional. Definitely recommend them!
Pengxiang Li
Pengxiang Li
My family have seen Dr. Yang for many years. I highly recommend her and her team. High quality services and they treated us like their family.
Lin chen
Lin chen
The environment of Dr. Yang's dental clinic is very clean and comfortable, making people feel relaxed and at ease. I am deeply impressed by the advanced equipment used and I am confident in the effect of the treatment. Dr. Yang's team is warm and thoughtful in service, and can provide professional solutions and daily care for dental health problems.
hui wang
hui wang
great office to have dental care at
Temitayo Andrew
Temitayo Andrew
Calm and caring!
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